Dieses Update verhindert Dropboxupdates auf Version 2.2.9 und 2.0.22.
Danke an Markus, der mir die benötigten Dateien zukommen lies.
Dieses Update verhindert Dropboxupdates auf Version 2.2.9 und 2.0.22.
Danke an Markus, der mir die benötigten Dateien zukommen lies.
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for being so awesome as always 😀
Dropbox 2.2.9 is still managing to update. 🙁
Are you sure it is 2.2.9? Please send me your debug files through the support page, maybe we can find a solution together.
Recently, my anti-virus software expired. So, I’m currently giving Avast a try. When I launched DropboxPortableAKH, avast halted it because it was remotely controlled. It then asked me weather to let it pass by default (sandbox); I agreed. However, now, DropboxPortableAKH is stuck running as a process-not letting me sync dropbox. I tried task manager-didn’t work. I searched the internet and it told me that it is now a “zombie” and can only be fixed/ended using a debugger.
I’ve tried:
Command Prompt: TASKKILL/F /T /IM DropboxPortableAKH.exe
Sysinternals Process Explorer
D: help
Never mind. Found out it was a glitch and all I really needed was a restart.
I would like the applications always run in memory of PC like the main Dropbox. Is this ok? What must I do?
Reply me on my email please!
[ site admin removed email address ]
I sent you an email regarding a further explanation of this, because I don’t understand what you are trying to do.
I’ve been sending an email to you. I’m waiting for your feedback! 😀