Why donating?
The application was completely developed in my spare time. I put many hours
each week into this project by providing support for it and integrating new features.
If you like my application, it would be nice if you donate some money. The money will be used to keep up my work.
After installation, the icon in the status bar keeps telling me “Registry is blocked. Waiting for other dbpahk instances to finish starting up: 1” with nothing further happening. Unfortunately, I do not even have permission to execute Regedit. Any ideas? I wanted to use DropboxPortableAHK because I don’t have Admin rights in the first place…
Please download this little tool and execute it: http://db.tt/rOgjclYP
Afterwards, DropboxPortableAHK should work fine again.
Incredible (6min response time)!!
Thanks, that did the trick.